About Us
Hi! In real life, we are known as Pete and Suzanne McIntosh: parents to our adult son, Jake, and pet parents to our four-legged wild child, Finn. Way more on all the kids in future posts. 🙂
We’ve lived in Fort Worth, Texas (neither of us was born here, but we got here as fast as we could!) for almost 20 years. Pete was born in Canada; Suzanne was born in Kansas, and we met in San Diego (that’s an interesting story in itself…)
Following Canadian Air Force pilot training, a tour as a flight instructor, and another tour as an exchange pilot with the USAF, Pete flies for a commercial airline. Suzanne has always been the stay-at-home mom with an entrepreneurial bug. As the consistently “home-based” parent, her focus was on raising Jake (even homeschooling through his elementary years). Over the years, she put together a string of Jack-of-all-trades skills and created awesome collaborative business relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs (you’ll meet them here in future posts, as well!) and created a web and marketing development company.
So, where did the idea for mtnests come along? Well, Jake is grown, and our nest is empty! 🙂
So many changes come along with this stage in our lives (not just the empty rooms and quietness of the house), but stuff that comes along with it and being at this age in our lives. We’re going to share all the things we’ve learned and research all the things we still don’t know, but want to. Our goal is to make this next phase in our lives one of happy purpose and to fulfill the call God has placed on our lives.
So, why “mtnestS” (plural)? This blog is not just about us, Pete and Suzanne, and our nest. It’s about yours, too! We want you to experience life to the fullest, too! So, we’re thinking together, we can all share wisdom, knowledge, and experience that will make an impactful difference in each of our lives!
We’re honored that you’re here and look forward to your input and contribution to our mtnests community!
God bless you!
Adopting a puppy…
Introducing Finn McIntosh!
But first, a little backstory…
We had a wonderful dog from the time Jake was 4 until he was in college – over 14 years. Hunter was truly one of the best dogs ever. I was heartbroken when it was time for him to run across the Rainbow Bridge. I told myself, “No more pets.” It was devastating and I did not want to put my heart through that again, everrrrr…
After several years of returning to a pet-free home and lifestyle, I scrolled through Facebook one night and saw a post by a dear friend of mine who fosters dogs until they can be permanently placed. Lo and behold, she had taken on a momma dog and her litter of TEN!
Once Pete saw their little faces, it was game over. We did pray and seriously consider all the things that inviting another little four legged kid into our house would mean: limited travel, me continuing to work solely from home, training a puppy “from scratch” (I am OCD when it comes to not letting a dog tear up our house and ensuring my position of “Alpha Dog” when Pete is away flying. 😉 And, the EXPENSE – my goodness, the four-legged ones are just as expensive as the two-legged ones!
We prayed that God would show us the perfect one for our family, and here he is – FINN! You’ll be seeing a lot of him here on mtnests.com – we’ll be featuring a lot of pet-focused information straight from the experts!